Welcome to the tonebase Bass Community!

Hey everyone - this is Martin from tonebase!

As the Head of Live and Community here on tonebase, it's such a pleasure to welcome you to the tonebase community. We would love to get to know you! Please introduce yourself in a post below with the following format:

  • Where are you from and what's your favorite food from there? ;)
  • What are you currently working on?
  • What are you hoping to get out of this community?

I’ll go first:

  • I was born and raised in Munich, Germany! As you’d expect, Bavarian cuisine is heavy and includes many meat and Knödel dishes, as well as crops such as beets and potatoes! While this food makes me think back to my childhood, I prefer much more food from my current hometown Düsseldorf, where we have the biggest Japanese community outside of Japan. So Düsseldorf has no shortage of great Ramen shops, Sushi places, and even Teppanyaki grill houses!
  • When it comes to double bass, I am clueless! I have studied classical guitar and sound engineering. Currently, I am in the process of recording a new album with my guitar duo, "TwoFourTwelve". Although my father is a passionate saxophone player, he recently bought my niece a violin. I am excited to see her grow as a person with music by her side!
  • I hope to get to know and help all of you achieve your musical and artistic goals. Let's have some fun and get to work.

5 replies

    • 4in
    • 6 mths ago
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    • Je viens du Québec et vit dans la ville du même nom maintenant dans la ville du même nom après avoir vécu presque toute ma vie à Montréal. J'adore la poutine, surtout la galvaude dans laquelle on ajoute du poulet et des petits pois.
    • Je suis la méthode de George Vance (j'en suis au tome 2, p.22) et François Rabbath. Je suis aussi des cours de Discover Double Bass comme les Gammes et arpèges et construction de Walking bass; j'aime varier mon apprentissage entre classique et Jazz.
    • Je cherchais un cours en ligne pour continuer de progresser sans sortir de chez moi comme je n'ai pas de voiture et que les cours de musique sont un peu loin ici et qu'il n'y a pas de métro (dans la métropole, je me baladais grâce à mon Bass buggy vers les répétitions de cours de groupe baroque et classique) et je veux connaître d'autres contrebassiste. J'espère aussi améliorer ma technique personnelle (développer un meilleur vibrato et solidifier ma position de pouce) en attendant de pouvoir  m'acheter une voiture et rejoindre un ensemble amateur.
    • Cosimi
    • 6 mths ago
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    Hi fellow double bassists,


    I’m French, around Bordeaux. I’m 62, retired since 3 moths, so I finally have a lot of time to improve my double bass technique.

    I have been playing double bass since 10 years.

    I play essentially Jazz : New Orleans, Gypsy, Swing, Bossa Nova,….

    I can, since very recently, a little bit improvise and play in thumb position.

    I’ve taken to few lessons with a teacher. I’ve learnt essentially with books, YouTube videos, and Discover DoubleBass lessons.

    Two years ago, I decided to go to a music conservatory to learn the art of bowing. I have discovered the classical repertoire. Very exciting, but frustrating. So huge ! So different from my world of music ! And so demanding in terms of knowledge : sight reading, technical skills, music history in order to interpret the music ! Too old for that. Maybe with Tonebase I will find some motivation to continue. Anyway, I still continue to work on my bow technique in order to use it in Jazz repertoire.

      • Double Bass consultant, tonebase
      • Travis_Harrison
      • 5 mths ago
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       for bow work - there is a lot already on the platform and more to come! Make sure to check Edwin Barker's "The French Bow Arm" and Paul Kowert's "Fiddle Shuffle Bow Rhythms"!

    • Raffaele
    • 4 mths ago
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    Hi! I am Raffaele I am italian and I play the kontrabass uding the german bow andvthe 1-2-4 method. I discovered the Kontrabass at the age of 45 and I am fully in love with it. I am principal kontrabass player in a amateur classical orchestra. I am the only one Bassist, and ot is such an incredibile experience to stay on the stage and sustain the whole orchestra. When I play concerts in the orchestra the time becomes very fast and it s like  I connect with my deep self. My mental concentration  is entirely focused on the orchedtra and I forget everything else for a couple of hours. I also like studying solo pieces such as sonata Eccles or une larme rossini or chanson triste koussevitzki. My next step is to be able to release all the tension in my left hand while playing and Joel Quarrigton method is fascinating me. I aldo met Jeff Bradetich for a masterclass last summer and I was fascinated by him as person and  teacher.... Double Bassists are Great people! Cheers

      • Double Bass consultant, tonebase
      • Travis_Harrison
      • 4 mths ago
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       Fantastic! Welcome here and thanks for sharing this with us - there are lots of great ideas already on the platform that will help you our with your goals, and more to come! 

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  • 4 mths agoLast active
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