Your tonebase experience

Greetings bassists! I'm so happy that you've found us here at tonebase double bass, and I'd love to hear about your first impressions and experiences on the platform - why not write a quick line about a video you watched, and a highlight moment from it? 

For example, one of the first videos I watched when the videos went live was Petru Iuga's course on the Vanhal Concerto. I've always been interested in a European perspective and approach to teaching this piece, which is my favourite classical bass concerto - so it was a real joy for me to witness it here taught by Petru! The moment he said "the sound is my mantra" has really stuck with me.

Excited to hear about your own highlights as you explore the platform!


Travis Harrison

Double bass consultant, tonebase tonebass

12 replies

    • Dave
    • 4 mths ago
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    I came here after seeing Ron Carter's Facebook post, thinking he had three courses. But all I see are three short lessons, so I'm disappointed. Hopefully, you'll be expanding them into full courses eventually along with more instruction from Rufus Reid and other jazz bassists.

      • Double Bass consultant, tonebase
      • Travis_Harrison
      • 4 mths ago
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       sorry to hear you're disappointed by Ron's course offerings! I will be completely transparent - we released all of the Ron Carter courses at launch - all fundamental material that he is very passionate about - so don't hold your breath for more from him for now. We certainly do have artists booked for more productions in both jazz and classical, and some more videos in the pipeline for release. I'd highly recommend checking out Paul Kowert's courses as well - a lot of the information there is very applicable to any genre of music; and we have more coming from him before long.

      • Dave
      • 4 mths ago
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       Thanks for the response. The problem might be in the definition of a course. In other online music teaching sites like Discover Double Bass, TrueFire and Open Studio, a course usually consists of 10-20 videos of 10-20 minutes each. In contrast, Ron Carter’s “Non-Chord Tones” course consists of one video lasting a little over 4 minutes. And no score is provided, so it’s not clear exactly what non-chord tones he’s playing and why and how he chose those notes.

      • Double Bass consultant, tonebase
      • Travis_Harrison
      • 4 mths ago
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       Thank you so much for these comments, they are helpful and we've taken note. We'll get that score issue looked at and also linked to Ron's books.
      One thing to keep in mind with tonebase - we are a different platform, and while I'm not experienced with all the others you mentioned, we are proud to offer access to ALL the lessons across the double bass platform, rather than just one teacher - the launch offerings were planned in such a way that there is diverse material; however there is much more to come from courses alreadyt filmed; and many more productions planned (we're recording one today and tomorrow even!) and I believe you'll see a lot of valuable and applicable information from other teachers as well. 
      Thanks for all this Dave!

    • 4in
    • 4 mths ago
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    Je suis au milieu du bloc de Joël Quarrington et j'adore son style trÚs humoristique. J'ai déjà grùce à ses trucs plus de motivation à travailler le vibrato. La formule me plait et j'ai hùte de m'y remettre ce soir! Y aura t'il d'autres PDF à imprimer s'il vous plait?

      • Double Bass consultant, tonebase
      • Travis_Harrison
      • 4 mths ago
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      Bonjour et bienvenue !
      Je suis tellement content que vous apprĂ©ciiez le cours de Joel - il a passĂ© la majeure partie de sa vie Ă  dĂ©velopper et Ă  affiner ce systĂšme de technique, et c'est vraiment le meilleur endroit en ligne oĂč vous pouvez trouver des informations Ă  ce sujet! Cependant, pour une plongĂ©e vraiment profonde dans ce qu'il fait, veuillez suivre le lien du score sur sa vidĂ©o sur son site Web. Bien que Joel nous ait permis d'utiliser certains Ă©lĂ©ments de ses livres techniques, nous n'avons Ă©videmment pas pu tout publier lĂ -bas. Je vous dirigerai Ă©galement vers l'une des bases de sons en tĂ©lĂ©chargement gratuit publiĂ©es il y a quelques semaines que Joel a prĂ©parĂ©e pour nous, et j'utiliserai un certain nombre d'exercices dont il parle (bien que ce soit plus dĂ©taillĂ© dans ses livres de technique de l'École canadienne de contrebasse): Free PDF: Joel Quarrington’s Guide to Warming Up | tonebase Double Bass

      Aussi, s'il vous plaßt pardonnez mon français - je n'ai plus de pratique depuis 10 ans et j'ai donc utilisé un traducteur pour m'aider ici.

      • Cosimi
      • 4 mths ago
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      Votre traducteur est excellent, Travis ! content de voir qu’on peut s’exprimer en français. MĂȘme s’il ne faut en en abuser par politesse pour les autres membres, c’est plus facile pour s’exprimer.

      oui, moi aussi, j’ai adorĂ© le cours de JoĂ«l Quarrington. MĂȘme si je n’ai toujours pas compris les mouvements de doigts de son exercice 5 qui n’est pas dĂ©crit dans le PDF
 Je crois avoir finalement trouvĂ© sur YouTube les drones qu’il utilise dans la vidĂ©o. Trop cool ! Vivement d’autres cours de sa part.

      • Double Bass consultant, tonebase
      • Travis_Harrison
      • 4 mths ago
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      Je suis vraiment dĂ©solĂ© d'avoir oubliĂ© de rĂ©pondre Ă  cette question trĂšs importante ! J'ai contactĂ© Joel pour obtenir des Ă©claircissements, et il utilise un tĂ©lĂ©phone Apple (donc l'App Store d'Apple) avec l'application iTanpura on the App Store ( Pour cette vidĂ©o, notre ingĂ©nieur incroyablement talentueux Daniel Kurganov (Ă©galement un violoniste de renommĂ©e mondiale) a entrĂ© le son du drone directement dans notre flux audio comme un microphone - pour un effet similaire, je recommande d'utiliser un haut-parleur externe au lieu du simple haut-parleur de votre tĂ©lĂ©phone.

      Si vous utilisez Android, il en existe des similaires, comme Pocket Shruti Box: Tambura - Apps on Google Play ou sur l'internet Xcool

      Bien sûr, n'hésitez pas à communiquer en français. J'ai terminé mes études de premier cycle à McGill et j'étais assez compétent, mais je n'ai pas eu l'occasion de m'entraßner depuis, et je suis reconnaissant de cette chance! But - if we meet in person be warned, "je suis tres mauvais en Francais - desolee!"

      Pour "Exercise 5 - Slow Shift and Pivot" de Joel (nous l'appelons en fait "Exercise 7" dans la version actuelle des livres de technique de l'École canadienne de contrebasse, dans le livre 1). Il s'agit essentiellement de montrer les cinq premiĂšres notes d'une gamme diatonique, et l'accent est mis sur le « dĂ©placement » entre les deux premiĂšres notes (dans une position) et les trois notes suivantes (dans une autre position) ; et trĂšs important, le retour en arriĂšre. Je promets que je reviendrai sur ce sujet lors d'une de nos sessions communautaires en direct dĂšs que l'occasion se prĂ©sentera !

      Et n'hĂ©sitez pas si je peux apporter d'autres prĂ©cisions â€“ c'est pour cela que je suis lĂ  !

    • Radek_puky
    • 2 mths ago
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    I’m very happy finding tonabase. There’s a lot of on line courses, tonabase is different concept. It’s somehow achieved to be personal and gives me a feeling not being alone in the journey of learning. When you learn on your own there’s a very big chance that you can learn really bad or you get stuck on spot and not going anywhere, which that could lead to quitting. With tonabase instructional videos not just one angled video you can learn properly the techniques described. I also like that tonabase has a many artists with different style and music or different techniques or even different bow holds. It’s just very colourful and plenty to choose. Only thing I regret that I can’t attend live events because I work. Given that this is online not everyone could attend livestreams because different time zones. I was looking for on shifting live stream video if that was archived, but I couldn’t find it, maybe it’s there but I couldn’t see it. Anyway it’s not a big deal I have a lot of work on other material. Happy practicing my friends !1

      • Double Bass consultant, tonebase
      • Travis_Harrison
      • 2 mths ago
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       thanks so much for this! I just wanted to help you out with the live videos - you can find them here: Past Live Events | tonebase Bass — Online Courses With The World's Leading Bassists
      (To get there - go to the "homepage" of tonebase double bass, then look for "Live Events" on the left -> past live events - and all of them should be there!)
      We try to make a compromise with the timing between eastern time (Toronto/New York), Pacific (Los Angeles/Vancouver) and European (central Europe) - so it is a little unfortunate in some ways - but I promise the times will change up occasionally, so hopefully it will work eventually for you to join the live event. 
      Thanks for your feedback, and best wishes!

    • Radek_puky
    • 2 mths ago
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    Thanks for your reply. For sure I thought there must be previous live events, but I wasn’t sure, yes of course different time zones will not make everyone happy, but being able to access them after should work. 
    I was thinking about “Solo” or orchestral pieces if there could be an accompaniment truck. For example eulogy or Rachmaninov vocalise if there could be just piano truck recorded. I saw this at “ tomplay” just a thought. It’s sort of play along, fun


      • Double Bass consultant, tonebase
      • Travis_Harrison
      • 2 mths ago
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       it is an interesting idea for those play-along tracks, and I know a few resources like tomplay out there already - check out Douglas Mapp's site; aside from being a really great bassist and wonderful guy, he really nails the utility on these!
      Play-a-Long Recordings – Douglas Mapp Music

      Of course nothing can replace playing with a live pianist or other accompaniment/collaborator...

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