Share a piece of music that you think is perfect ā€“ why is it perfect to you?

We all love music - but isnā€™t there some music that you canā€™t get enough of? Perfection may seem like an abstract idea, but thereā€™s some music that just resonates with us differently, whether itā€™s because of the way it was written, a certain performance of it weā€™ve heard, or a memory attached to it that makes it extra-special in our memories.

Share with us that piece of music that invokes ā€œperfectionā€ to you! It can be anything - from bass music, to piano, to pop or rock - just something that you feel is ā€œperfectā€.

7 replies

    • Raffaele
    • 4 mths ago
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    Prelude Suite 2 for cello rearranged for double bass. J.S.Bach

      • Double Bass consultant, tonebase
      • Travis_Harrison
      • 4 mths ago
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       perfect! Can I ask - do you have a favourite performance or recording, or it's something you like to play?

    • Raffaele
    • 4 mths ago
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    I am learning it and I like the performances by Joel Q.rrgton and also Nina Bernat. Of course also Jeff Bradetich's and Simon Marciniak's. In general playing Bach is a nice way to create intimity with the instrument, and a wonderful way to learn how to express the colours and the variety of phrasings. Nothing is better than end the day by practicing Bach before going to bed....

      • Double Bass consultant, tonebase
      • Travis_Harrison
      • 4 mths ago
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       I commend your great taste in Bach recordings on the bass! This particular Bach 2nd suite really blew my mind the first time I heard it - I hope you enjoy it as well if you have some time to give it a listen: Xavier Foley Bach Cello Suite No. 2 D minor on double bass - YouTube

      • Raffaele
      • 4 mths ago
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       what is your opinion about playing this piece in the one octave  lower on the bass? Nobody does this , do you think that this is just unconventional or a terrible mistake? I mean , if it sounds good in the low ottave on the bass  who cares?

      • Double Bass consultant, tonebase
      • Travis_Harrison
      • 4 mths ago
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       it's a very interesting discussion topic! I personally find Bach resonates best on the bass when it's not played at-pitch (same octave as the cello). It depends on the suite, but for example the 1st and 3rd suites I play down a 4th (1st suite in D starting with open D string; 3rd suite in G starting at the G-octave harmonic). I know many folks play the 1st suite "at pitch" (though like Xavier Foley, actually use solo strings so it's "fingered" at-pitch but actually sounds a tone higher than the cello!).

      Interesting to note in this Bach 2 recording of Xavier's, I believe he's using solo strings, but the first note is most definitely an E-flat (so maybe solo strings tuned down a semi-tone; or perhaps tuned normally but to something like A=415 instead of a typical A=440-443). 

      I know Joel Quarrington experimented doing the cello suites on his 5ths-tuned bass down an octave like you suggest so that it would lie in a similar place to the cello in terms of where the hands go; but found it a bit too muddy and not as attractive a register as the keys he ended up with. In 4ths, it makes less sense as we don't have the same open strings of a cello anyways.

      So... lots of ideas about this, but I don't think it's a terrible mistake as long as you can make it sound good and find enjoyment in playing it! Most people have no idea what key or octave they're hearing anyways - so the focus then should be on phrasing, music, intonation, and does it sound good? 

      Hope this helps! Happy to hear your (and other's) opinions on this as well!

      • Raffaele
      • 4 mths ago
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      thank you so much! Really cool to talk to you...have a wonderful day

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