The Use of Vibrato

Dear tonebassists,
This week, letâs tackle a topic that stirs up diverse opinions and passionate discussions: the use of vibrato.
Vibrato can deeply enhance the emotional expression of a piece, but opinions on its use vary widely among bassists. Some argue that vibrato should be a constant presence, a natural part of the bass sound that shouldnât be overly manipulated. Others advocate for a more deliberate use of vibrato, employing it selectively to enhance phrasing and add colour where it is most musically appropriate.
- Do you believe vibrato should be used on every note?
- How do you decide when and how much vibrato to use in your playing?
- Have you noticed changes in vibrato trends over the years?
- What artistic considerations influence your choices about vibrato?
Let us know your thoughts!!
All the best,
Travis Harrison
Double Bass consultant
6 replies
Gotta have more vibrato! I've got a fever and the only thing that's gunna cure that fever is more vibrata! However, if the music says "no vibrato", fine, I won't vibrate.
I play double bass in classical amateurs orchestra and I never do vibrato. I have played so far debussy mozart beethoven , movie soundtrack and my sound is hopefully very intonated and very still. I rarely do find on the music scores, the indications to do vibrato....
Hello everyone!
I am at the level where I am starting to play with an intent on being expressive. I should have started from the beginning I suppose but here I am trying to make beautiful music. For this topic of vibrato I will say this: #1- as we all know the bass is a beautiful musical instrument and it can be as inspiring as any other musical instrument. I have found vibrato AND dynamics are the tools to achieve expression. #2 I asked Joel Q. once âhow did he prepare the expressive quality of a phrase, how did he come up with that phrasing?â His answer was: âI think of it as if I was singing.â
In conclusion: listen to a lot of music, how phrases are shaped and performed by the musicians that inspire you and see how YOU can hear the melodies you are playing. I do not spend time questioning where and how, I want to do vibrato as I hear it in my evolving journey of playing.